Numerous Windows 11 issues - Help

2 Jul 2008
Near London
Hi All

I am having a nightmare with my PC at the moment. Tried to use the machine this morning and various issues from being unable to access the start menu/search menu, to windows update not working, soundcard not working etc.

I managed to get the start menu/search menu working via powershell, however I still have major issues.

My soundcard is not being recognised, Soundblaster G6. I now learn that .net framework is missing from my system. tried to add it thorugh windows features, this screen however is blank.

I tried a repair of the installation from a USB drive both within windows and from out. From within windows, it downloads everything and then goes to reboot, but says unable to install. When I try to install from outside, Windows states that my machine is not compatible, which is nonsense.

So completely stuck at the moment, Windows update is not working, I cannot install .net framework, the offline installer does nothing and I cannot re-install windows.

Unfrotunatly i get this error.

Error: 0x800f0805

The specified package is not valid Windows package.

The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log

I have no idea how, my framework has just disappeared from my system. I have tried fixing corrupted files, etc But nothing seems to work.

At the moment, I am unable to install my sound card as the computer does not recognise it, which I think might be part of the Framework being missing. Windows update does not work either. I tried installing the standard motherboard drivers, but again does not work.
Yep copy the command, and same error. My system is clearly corrupted, but I am unable to fix it. I would just do a fresh install, but even that is causing problems. Installation claims that my machine is not up to spec, which is nonsense.
That just gave the error below.

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature : The specified package is not valid Windows package.
At line:1 char:1
+ Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "NetFx3"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Dism.Commands.EnableWindowsOptionalFeatureCommand

The system was running perfectly yesterday, then today all of the issues. Despite it running fine yesterday, I have run the Windows 11 pc health check, which states machine is compatable. However, when I run the installer within windows, it just states unable to install at the about to reboot stage. When I try to repair install it starts then stops without any error messages.
Right that doesnt work. Starts resetting gets 7% and says undoing and takes me to the boot screen where you can troubleshoot etc. now trying system restore. This should hopefully sort it. I shall keep you posted.
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