Nurburgring 29th-2nd November

18 Oct 2002
Finally got the time off so off we go for our winter ring trip :cool: Anyone got the danglys to join us?

  • Dangerous
  • Austin Powers
  • Vertigo1

Opening times:
30.10.2005, Sonntag
von 09:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr

1.11.2005, Dienstag
von 09:00 Uhr bis 17:00 Uhr

Tunnel will be about £120 :) Going out Saturday returning Wednesday.
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If ive passed my test by then I think the Suzuki SJ needs to come along!! Could be very interesting..... how much in total roughly?
Git :P
Jeep at the Nurburgring, someone should pay me to go just for that! But jokes aside, im really interested in this...
I'd love to do something like this, but wouldn't dare drive on foreign roads yet due to lack of experience :(

I went the wrong way coming back from bradford to sheffield too, ended up heading towards hull :D
id like to go next year, but id like to know how insurance works for this, do you get separate cover to your normal insurance or what? :)
Iamzod said:
I went the wrong way coming back from bradford to sheffield too, ended up heading towards hull :D
I've been driving for 16 years and I still managed to get on the M6 in the wrong direction last month :D
Dangerous said:
Tunnel will be about £120 :) Going out Saturday returning Tuesday.

Could be a bad time for me, need to sort my money out, holiday this month just blown 2.4k on new gear.

Will let you know when i know for sure.
Vertigo1 said:
I've been driving for 16 years and I still managed to get on the M6 in the wrong direction last month :D

Oh, we didn't just turn the wrong way, we passed about 5 junctions before we twigged that we were off course :D
Iamzod said:
Oh, we didn't just turn the wrong way, we passed about 5 junctions before we twigged that we were off course :D

When I first got my own car I was driving along the M62 West bound. I missed the junction for Huddersfield so carried on heading for the next junction where i could change direction. So I exited the motorway and then rejoined in the opposite direction, only it wasn't and it took me a few minutes to work out why there were signposts showing how many miles it was to Manchester:D :confused: :o
Going to speak with my mate about this as my car isn't up to much - but i'm deffo interested in it this time around.

Tunnel 120 quid per car? How much do the hotels and stuff come to ?
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