NurfedDKP - WoW Related Questions

26 Oct 2002
I am about to start using NDKP as the Dragon Kill system within my Guild later today as we embark upon our very first ZG run.

Maybe I am leaving this a little too late and should have researched it a little more thoroughly before implementing it however I was hoping someone here can help me out. I decided against posting on the official NurfedDKP forum as the responses seem few and unhelpful from what I have seen currently.

Anyhow just a few quick questions.

Within ZG there are Blue Items and the Purple Epic items. I want to log all BLUE items that have dropped however not charge a DKP price for those items.

What is the best way to do this using the NurfedDKP system?

As far as I can see when you add an Item to the database it always classifies it as a Purple item rather than a Blue item. Can this be changed or is it based on the fact that you only earn DKP from Epic items?

Secondly there is an Option within the admin controls, which is;

Algorithm Type
Regular Upgrade/Downgrade
FullPrice Default

As it says FullPrice default should I keep it that way?


I am hoping that it is possible to add all Items, however if it not the case then I will just ommit them from the database and keep it to an Epic only listing.

Thanks in Advance guys!

Ascendants Of Evil [WoWEU Guild]
Can't help you with Nurfed but when i was playing i ran the a dkp system using this mod:

Excellent in game UI as well as an uploader which allows you to track all the points spent and items won on a website too. Here's a link to my old one:

Ignore some of the messed up data guildies messed it up when i stopped playing. You can track all drops if you wish but only take bids on purples etc. It's very customisable and the developer is very helpful if you need tips etc on the forums.
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Whilst most dkp systems provided work pretty fine on defaults (dont use upgrade settings) i really really REALLY suggest to not log blue items.
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