Nut thief identified at last!!

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa / Oxford
Been wondering who's been nicking all the fat balls / food that i've been putting out for the birds recently. Casual glance out the window this morning led to a frantic rush for my camera.

Fumbled the settings a bit, so ended up with 1/80 at ISO400, when I could have used 1/200 instead. Luckily one of the photos that I managed to snatch wasn't too blurred! Was using my 70-200 F4 L, with 1.4x TC at 280mm F5.6 btw.

Haha that's a class picture, very amusing. :D

robertgilbert86 said:
Must be stealing for her young, so is she in the wrong?

Mate I think this is the wrong place for a moral discussion about whether the squirrel is in the right or the wrong, just appreciate the shot. :)
Now you know who'#s doing it - there only one thing you can do...

Assault Course!

Like that old beer advert *Carling black label?* Lets see what that squizzel will do to get the food. :D


Found it!

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Yes.. time to go to plan B I think.

I need to place the feeder on an even flimsier branch, then we'll see how it gets on :)
Raider said:
Yes.. time to go to plan B I think.

I need to place the feeder on an even flimsier branch, then we'll see how it gets on :)
If they're anything like the squirrels around here they'll try anyway, knock the feeder onto the floor then eat all the nuts out of it.

Nice shot :)

Must be stealing for her young, so is she in the wrong?
Around here at the moment it's the baby ones doing the food stealing :eek:
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