Nvidia 3d vision problems

28 Sep 2010
Hey i got my 3d vision kit today but i get this error
Warning : attempt to run stereoscopic 3d in non-stereo display mode, please change to a acceptable mode. see documentation for acceptable stereoscopic 3d modes

I dunno how to fix this and the 3d image just doesnt look 3d at all


i have a benq xl24010t monitor
and a gtx 560ti gfx
so in the 3d set up do you see hexagon in the left eye and a triangle in the right?

it may be your one of the few that carnt see the 3d efect, have you tryed active shuter glasses before you got your set up?
If it's a high resolution like 1080p and you're trying to run 120Hz 3D, you need to make sure you're using a dual-link DVI cable (not a regular one) or else the bandwidth will be insufficient to drive the display correctly.

Other than that, as nelviss says, how's your setup in the control panel with the triangle/hexagon thing.
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