22 Aug 2010
**Competition Ended**

Hi There,

I know the OcUK forum are always up for a good competition, everyone loves to show they are the best and that they possess the ultimate skill! After the success of the last NVIDIA Win It or Bin It comp, we have come up with something new, to keep you all occupied through these long winter nights.

Below you can see three door hangers, these are something that NVIDIA have been working on in other countries and to be fair, they are pretty cool.


However, at OcUK we do not copy and we always like to add some OcUK awesomeness to everything we do.

So, we want you, the OcUK forum members to design one.
The winner will not only see their design go to print but they also will win a very nice, top spec NVIDIA GTX GPU and load of free games to go with it.
Everyone that enters the competition will be rewarded with a door hanger made from the winning design and we will give door hanger away with every GeForce GTX 7XX sold in January . . . .BOOM!
The door hangers will be very high quality, made from poster board card or foamex and will be totally exclusive to the customers of OcUK

We will pick our favourite 5 designs and then create a poll on the forum for you to vote for your favourite design, giving us the final winner.

Competition Rules
Now I know most people hate rules but all good comps need some good rules . . . . failure to follow the rules may result in your entry being rejected L

1) You have to use the downloadable template (download here: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/LP/images/DOOR_HANGER_TEMPLATES.zip)

2) Your design must represent the essence of GeForce and feature NVIDIA claw (in the colour it’s provided to you)

3) The OcUK logo must be included in your design, you cannot change the logo in away, this includes the colours, stretching it, skewing it or changing its orientation (download OcUK Logo here: http://www.overclockers.co.uk/LP/images/ocuk_png.zip)

4) You have to incorporate the following tag line . . . . . . KEEP OUT, I’M OVERCLOCKING MY &@$%

5) The only red that can appear in you design is in the OcUK logo

** DOWNLOAD THE NVIDIA BADGE LOGO HERE http://www.overclockers.co.uk/LP/images/NVIDIA_GTX_Badge.zip **

Once your artwork has been completed, please post a JPG preview within the forum rules into this thread.

Boring But Important Rules
You cannot use any 3rd party material in your design, no screen shots, characters from games, movies, books or comics as we will not be able to print anything that infringes copy write law.
The competition start date is Monday 2nd December
The final submission date submission date Friday 3rd January
Voting will start from the Monday 6th January
Voting closes and winner will be announced on Friday 17th January
There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition
Entrants must be aged 12 years or over
One entry per person / forum member
The winners will be notified via email by 22nd January, 2013
The winner must claim their prize within 14 days of the receiving the winner notification
In the event that the prize offered is unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater specification
Prizes will ship to winners within 30 days of the draw
Prize draws are not open to employees of Overclockers UK, NVIDIA, their immediate families or their affiliates, agencies, suppliers or sponsors
By submitting an entry into this competition, you automatically accept all of these terms and conditions.
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How is the OCUK logo supposed to be implemented if the logo is bigger than the template it's self?

as we're not allowed to adjust anything with the OCUK logo

Logo scale can be adjusted, just not distorted / colour changing.

To others, as this will be going to print CMYK is going to be the colour profile of choice, as RGB can produce unexpected results upon printing (and it's only meant for screen use)

I'm now extending the competition until January which gives people more time to come up with ideas and to get more entries. Please see the OP T&C's for more info
Valkia and your rought and fready OP update :D

Psst wheres my GPU keyring! :D

Boring But Important Rules
You cannot use any 3rd party material in your design, no screen shots, characters from games, movies, books or comics as we will not be able to print anything that infringes copy write law.
The competition start date is Monday 2nd December
The final submission date submission date Sunday 3rd January
Voting will start from the Monday 6th January
Voting closes and winner will be announced on Friday 17th DecemberThere is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition
Entrants must be aged 12 years or over
One entry per person / forum member
The winners will be notified via email by 20th December, 2013The winner must claim their prize within 14 days of the receiving the winner notification
In the event that the prize offered is unavailable due to circumstances beyond our control, we reserve the right to offer an alternative prize of equal or greater specification
Prizes will ship to winners within 30 days of the draw
Prize draws are not open to employees of Overclockers UK, NVIDIA, their immediate families or their affiliates, agencies, suppliers or sponsors
By submitting an entry into this competition, you automatically accept all of these terms and conditions.

Holy Jesus! I had updated it but interbutts decided to only update half. It's done now! ;)
Right, rather than starting a new thread including a poll, we'll do the voting inside here. I've given everyone a chance for the voting rather than just 5 :-) The submissions are as follows:

1) jonnyp1993 - #23 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25443815&postcount=23
2) Doomedspeed - #64 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25459682&postcount=64
3) Hostile - #107 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25472224&postcount=107
4) cypto - #127 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25479982&postcount=127
5) hakank68 - #145 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25481881&postcount=145
6) vampsthevampyre - #156 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25540697&postcount=156
7) Kappa303 - #157 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25589124&postcount=157
8) Footyslayer - #173 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25591899&postcount=173
9) HybridX - #175 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25594247&postcount=175
10) ThaReaperGuy - #178 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25595358&postcount=178
11) biuro74 - #180 - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showpost.php?p=25595450&postcount=180

Please post your vote through the number against the name of the submission (1 = jonnyp1993)

At the end, votes will be counted up and a winner will be decided. Good Luck!
So then, looks like we have a winner!

Cypto! has been crowned door hanger king by the votes.

I'll relay back to NVIDIA there has been a decision and i'll update the thread once they have come back to me :-)
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