Nvidia Shield 2019 Sleep Mode

10 Jan 2012
Can't find a solution anywhere for this so thought I would ask here, you never know.
I have a 2019 Shield with the new remote, I want the power button to ONLY turn off the TV, not put the shield to sleep as its causing issues with my hard drives that are plugged in randomly not working until I restart the shield (Kodi crashes if I try to wake the hard drives through there)

Was never an issue with the Raspberry Pi 4 this replaced as it couldn't go to "sleep"

No combination of options in the menu's allows this to happen, it will always put the shield to sleep, I don't want it to do this.
Does anyone know of any clever trick to disable it sleeping when you press the power button?

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Can you not just set the shield to not sleep and turn the TV off with the normal TV remote :p

I had an issue with mine and Kodi/Plex where I'd also have to reboot even with the hard drives set to always on. I ended up just making the hard drives sleep as well with the device. Seems to power them back on fine out of sleep and didn't have to reboot any more.

Settings > Device Preferences > System > USB Port Power > Set the USB drives to "Off During Sleep"
I don't want to use the TV remote haha :rolleyes:
The "Off during sleep" isn't an option as I want to be able to access my hard drives from the network when needed also not just with the Shield itself.
I have a path on my PC which goes into the shield folder and wakes the hard drive up that I access (this is how I transfer files, the drives stay connect to the shield), that doesn't work if its set to off during sleep. Also have the TV downstairs that accesses the hard drives through the network to steam media. Non of that works with the option unfortunately.
Everything worked fine with a Raspberry Pi 4 with Libreelec its just the shield which is having issues.

Everything is fine for a few hours, right now its fine, my drives go sleep after 5min and I can wake them up remotely from my PC or by going into Kodi on the shield. However tomorrow it won't work at all unless I restart the shield, no idea whats causing it even going to into the "storage" section on the shield menu will crash the device itself when it happens.
Non of this happens if I use my TV remotes power button as the Shield isn't going to sleep.
I even tried Android TV on my Raspberry Pi 4 and it works perfectly fine so its not an android issue, the sleep function on the shield is messing it up.
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What about reversing the situation. Use your TV remote to control the shield and use the below.

Have CEC enabled, but disable 'sleep shield when tv powers off' 'when tv input changes' Keep storage on then set device to never sleep.
What about reversing the situation. Use your TV remote to control the shield and use the below.
Have CEC enabled, but disable 'sleep shield when tv powers off' 'when tv input changes' Keep storage on then set device to never sleep.
Then I have no way to go from Kodi to the home launcher to open the YouTube app or anything else as you can't have a home screen button with the TV remote (even with Button Remapper). Also defeats the point of having the remote in the first place.

I think what "might" be happening is Android is closing Kodi as a background process as in the morning I will have to "load" kodi again as if it was closed (I have Kodi set to never close in the app itself) but Android may be "killing" the process as it does with many things? as far as I'm aware there's no way to stop Android closing apps.
I'm not sure how this is causing an issue with the drives themselves even on VLC but...grasping at straws here....

I've just installed 2 auto-start apps to auto start kodi on wake up/boot in the hopes that may trigger whatever is causing this to happen to stop.
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