Nvidia shield - Kodi bit rates.

30 Nov 2003
Hi, can't seem to find a full explanation on this, so wondered if anyone has any ideas.

Nvidia shield Pro 2019
Kodi V19

Recently ripped a load of MKV's and got them on a SSD. When I try to play them on Kodi, while they work and run perfectly fine, I can't get them to play in 10 bit unless I make a change on the shield and then it's still only in 60hz mode.

I have to turn Dolby Vision off, so the shield is just in 4k 59.940hz & HDR10 ready. Then in Kodi itself, if I try play at 24hz, it will only play at 8bit. If I play it at 60hz, it will work fine at 10bit.

Any ideas how I can get it to run 10bit 24hz, or is this just some limitation with the shield.

I know about the RBG tunneling when running Dolby Vision stuff, so aware that will show 8bit, but just can't work out why on the above.

Meh, have gone down plex route instead which seems to have resolved it all and also playing mkv's in dolby vision with truehd.
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