Nvidia Shield TV 2019 - Waking from Sleep

18 Oct 2002
So I've got a fun one. I am pretty sure this is user error on my part, but I can't work out what I've done wrong.

I have two Nvidia Shield TV devices (the pipe like sticks). One upstairs on a TCL 55C815K. One downstairs on an LG Nanocell 55NANO866NA.

Both seem to have the same issue - they don't wake up consistently.

Lets try and fix the TCL unit first - sometimes its spot on, othertimes - maybe 50% of the time - the TV comes on, its on the right HDMI port, says 'No input found'... and whatever button I press, the TV turns itself back off again. If I mash all the buttons on the remote I've got a 50/50 chance it will work properly when it turns back on... eventually I give up and just turn it all off at the wall and turn it back on again.

I'm using HDMI-CEC so I'm doing everything off the Shield remote. I have all the HDMI-CEC options ticked in the shield interface. Shield is set to never sleep, high performance mode, etc.

I appreciate I'm probably not saying any of the right stuff - all help appreciated.
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