O ATI.. now i know why i only get Nvidia

28 Dec 2006
Epsom Downs
Good evening Linux ppl...

after only ever using nvidia on my linux setups i got a 5970 for cheap... so i though YAY !! 3200 streams to help run openCL and do weather/seti stuff.

How ever i'm having real issues getting the drivers installed (as i want to use openCL i can't use the normal drivers that come with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit "server" )

i'm following http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Maverick_Installation_Guide but can't seem to get the box to boot. console it fine, but it won't startx unless i use "graphics safe" mode.. i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong....

i'm looking at the startup log and the only thing that jumps out at me is
"segmentation fault at address 0x271

caught singal 11 (segmentation fault). server aborting"

any one point me in the right direction ?
Also when i start in safe graphics mode and try and "create new configuration for this hardware"
i get a box with a no entry sign saying "Could not generate a new configuration"
Thanks that was the cure in the end, tho i spent sooo long messing around ai borked up the fglrx, so i could run it, install it, uninstall it, reinstall it.... managed to find the answer and just edited the package out and then reinstalled it..
not sure, but i'm not gonna update/upgrade, it's such a pain when a new update comes out for ubuntu (have to recomplie the graphics bits) and i'm just not gonna run bleeding each, but use the default drivers, where i can ...
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