o2 active promo?

11 Oct 2004
I just received the following text from O2:

"O2: We hope you enjoyed the O2 Active free promo. Charging begins from 2nd May 2006 but remember it is *cough* only £2.35/MB. For money saving Bolt Ons see o2.co.uk"

Does anyone know what this promotion is/was? Have they screwed up their data billing again? Can I get free data useage until May? :)
My Allowance is 1mb and my online billing has always shown my usage as 0 even though i've done quite a bit of surfing. Someone told me a while back they wern't charging yet. Then I got that text u just quoted and now not happy, don't want to pay for something i've been getting for free!!
Same here Tunney, got the exact same txt from them the other day....no wonder everytime i looked at my bill i didnt see any charges for my gprs useage lol....oh well guess all good things come to an end sometime or another :p
I got a text saying "hope you enjoyed the free mobile web offer, charging begins april 1st". Nothing about o2 active though.
Doh only checked my online account today as they gave me free £100 credit a couple of months back so wasnt too worried about checking my bill.

GPRS £8, lucky I spotted it so early I used too use a fair bit as it was free and only havea 1mb free :o
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