o2 Get iPhone Contract

18 Mar 2006

Looks like o2 snapped the deal from favourites Vodafone. I'm quite happy, hopefully I may be able to get it on upgrade. Just need to see how the work in the real world 1st before order it mind heh.
apparently looking at the £300 mark, but that doesn't say if that's for the 4GB or 8GB model. I'm assuming 8GB as that is currently selling for $599
LeoWyatt said:
It's not O2. An O2 spokesman said: "The news is currently still just rumours, so O2 can make no further comment."
Where did you hear that? Not that I'm disputing, just curious hehe.
FishFluff said:
No 3G and now they're thinking of choosing o2? Are Apple *trying* to make the iPhone a failure in Europe or something? :o

Well aprrently, O2 and other providers are hoping to getting their EDGE networks out before the end of this year. Maybe the chance of getting the iPhone contract may make them pull their fingers out, but who knows.

Also, saw this on another site
The Apple iPhone is expected to cost £300 and £399 for the 4GB and 8GB version respectively when it launches in the UK.
Which is by no means definite, but BLOODY hell its going to be one expensive device that, yet again, we get screwed over for :mad:
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