O2 Transfer Limits



27 May 2003
Its a Small World
Any idea of what their home adsl (normal 8mb package not LLU) limits are?

They claim I have used too much of the unlimited service and want to cut me off next month.

Has anyone else been booted of O2?
Yeah :

We wrote to you last month about your usage of your O2 Home Broadband. We’re really glad that you like it so much, but unfortunately it’s continuing to affect our other customers’ connections.

Did you try some of our tips to cut down? Like asking everyone in the house to use less and setting download limits in your file sharing programs? If you haven’t yet, please do so, as we’re really trying to give everyone an equally good experience.

Someone should make it illegal for companies to sell unlimited products with fair usage policies. I would have no issues if they told you exactly how much.
They did give a warning but I stopped downloading a bit then used it again.

I don't think I even do that much transfer. Best guess about 100gb but no idea really.

But being on the old 8meg product where O2 have not unbundled the exchange must cost them much more per gb then others on the 20meg.

Have emailed them hoping for some actual usage stats, and a copy of their dictionary to see "fair" and "unlimited" definitions.
Found out the stats:

Jun: 165 GB
Jul: 179.5 GB

Ok a bit high but hardly near unlimited.

As there are no other ISPs that I have found that will let me anywhere near 100 GB I'll just have to stick to O2 and use less "unlimited" downloads :confused:
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