I'm after some O365 advice, With the current working arrangements I need to plug a gap in our safety process.
Each project we work on has risk assessments generated on standard word forms. These are then printed out, added to the project risk register and workers sign a sheet in the risk register to say they've read the risk assessments.
As workers are now working from home I need to create an electronic way of signing a risk register, preferably one created automatically from a SharePoint library.
I have access to power apps and flows etc but have never used them before. Ideally i'd like to:
- Create an app that filters a SharePoint library by project number and any files with 'risk assessment' in the title.
- Creates a excel spreadsheet for this tagged with the relevant project number and each risk assessment added by filename.
- Creates a 2nd sheet on the excel spreadsheet as a 'signing sheet'
- Create another app that reads in the first excel sheet, reconstructs the url from the file name and displays a list of hyperlinks or better, the embedded word document.
- Add a button that the worker clicks to add the worker ID and date to the 'signing sheet' on the excel spreadsheet.
- Write the tools in such a way that all workers can access them, not just me.
Is any of this possible in O365 or is there a better way?
Ironically its what I build many years ago using infopath and was a function we lost when moving to O365.
I'm after some O365 advice, With the current working arrangements I need to plug a gap in our safety process.
Each project we work on has risk assessments generated on standard word forms. These are then printed out, added to the project risk register and workers sign a sheet in the risk register to say they've read the risk assessments.
As workers are now working from home I need to create an electronic way of signing a risk register, preferably one created automatically from a SharePoint library.
I have access to power apps and flows etc but have never used them before. Ideally i'd like to:
- Create an app that filters a SharePoint library by project number and any files with 'risk assessment' in the title.
- Creates a excel spreadsheet for this tagged with the relevant project number and each risk assessment added by filename.
- Creates a 2nd sheet on the excel spreadsheet as a 'signing sheet'
- Create another app that reads in the first excel sheet, reconstructs the url from the file name and displays a list of hyperlinks or better, the embedded word document.
- Add a button that the worker clicks to add the worker ID and date to the 'signing sheet' on the excel spreadsheet.
- Write the tools in such a way that all workers can access them, not just me.
Is any of this possible in O365 or is there a better way?
Ironically its what I build many years ago using infopath and was a function we lost when moving to O365.