Oblivion Assistance

28 Nov 2004
couldn't bring myself to go near the oblivion thread (40+ pages ouch) but i really want to play this game but have been having problems getting it working, have been to the official forums which were useless with no threads offering answers to the problem i, and a fair few other people have... and i couldn't even post myself (registered... and have been waiting for the confirmation email for 2 days now so i dont think it worked)

so i thought i would ask you fine ppl.....

anyway my fps is fine, but every time badguys appear or die the game just completely freezes for about 5-10 seconds

i have got the latest nvidia drivers and the latest directx... i have tried every in game setting, putting everything to low... i have uninstalled and reinstalled the game a number of times

but none of this worked and i am unsure what to do.

my housemate, who's pc is a fair bit worse runs the game fine on medium settings... my other housemate who's pc is about the same as mine run's it fine on high settings so its not that my pc is good enough for the game

any ideas?? :(
i downloaded the latest patch... and the one forum that sounded like my problem said somethin about changing the ini file to disable some sound option.. which i did.. no change
This actually sounds more like a CPU problem than a gfx problem: adding/removing NPCs requires the game to run a whole load of scripts and sort out the results. Does it happen indoors as well as out?

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