Oblivion Crashing

5 Jan 2004
OK, not sure if this is the best forum - but I *think* it's a hardware setting. Oblivion, being the piece of **ite it is, crashed my computer, and now will not load a game. After a totally fresh install of the game, the problem persists. The video screen gets to the load game, the game tries to load then hangs. Any ideas? I've been playing the game for a good while now, so i think the game changed something when it crashed,

Ender said:
oblivion doesn't like over-clocked cpus , try going to stock and see if it works

Never heard that before but yes could be a bit picky if cpu is on the ragged edge, same goes for anygame though, FEAR didn't like my 148 when i was at 3.0ghz everything else was fine even prime??

I found xfire (the instant messanger) causes oblivion to crash with annoying regularity.
Nearly everyone seems to have this belief that there is something special about oblivion which makes it crash when anything is overclocked, I have no idea why.
If there is a God, please help...

This is now not an Oblivion issue as the same crash occurs with 3dmark05 ie as soon as the 3d screen loads for the first test it crashes to a black screen. Does this shed anymore light on the problem.
Oblivion was crashing for me, so I closed down pretty much everything I had running in the background (Xfire, msn, FRAPs etc) and it became much more stable. Occasionally it still crashes and goes back to windows. My cpu is overclocked, but for I didn't get these problems at first, they started after I'd been playing for about a month. My friend said he thought the PSU might not be up to the job.
rxmac said:
Never heard that before but yes could be a bit picky if cpu is on the ragged edge, same goes for anygame though, FEAR didn't like my 148 when i was at 3.0ghz everything else was fine even prime??

I found xfire (the instant messanger) causes oblivion to crash with annoying regularity.

iv said this many times before, prime is not a good cpu tester. only a fool or a n00b uses it as a cpu testing utility.
Cyber-Mav said:
iv said this many times before, prime is not a good cpu tester. only a fool or a n00b uses it as a cpu testing utility.

I know but some people think its necessary to prove its stable so i ran it to prove a point. :rolleyes:
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