Mp4 said:What spec system do you need to run oblivion flatout with no glitches or gfx lag etc.
My athlon 3700 and 7800GT can run it well enough in high graphics. A few things are turned down a bit but it's on the high setting.Mp4 said:thats fair enough about an uber system , i have an athlon 4800+ dual core , 2gig ram , 2x x1900's so will that run at med settings okay? cant decide if i should get it or not really :E
Mp4 said:thats fair enough about an uber system , i have an athlon 4800+ dual core , 2gig ram , 2x x1900's so will that run at med settings okay? cant decide if i should get it or not really :E
nO}{8 said:a 7900gt with a 4800+ will run it at medium settings reasonably well (15fps minimum in out door areas) , but not really well. a 7600gt and a 3700+ will run it at lowish settings ok. as stated previously there is no system out yet that can run it flatout perfectly.
Combat squirrel said:why is everyone sayin dual graphics stuffI run it on a A64 3700+ @2.8, x1900xt 2 gig ram, everything MAXED 40+ fps easy, in the 100's indoors
Combat squirrel said:why is everyone sayin dual graphics stuffI run it on a A64 3700+ @2.8, x1900xt 2 gig ram, everything MAXED 40+ fps easy, in the 100's indoors