Oblivion flickery on SLI

22 Apr 2003
Button Moon
I have an XFX 7950 GX2 Extreme, which as you know is SLI on a single PCI-e slot. The problem is that when I overclock the card a bit Oblivion goes all flickery, I saw this when I overclocked my 7800GTX SLI setup before too.

Anyone seen this problem before ? I dont think its the card overclocked too far because 3dMark05 and 06 run fine. any solutions ?
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ive only ever seen this problem in Oblivion with an SLI setup, it looks as if the whole screen is rendered by the two cards and is not stitched together properly.
Not like top and bottom but every few millimeters.

I fixed this before by installing a newer NVidia driver but I cant do that since Im on the latest driver already.
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