Oblivion Hardware Scaling info

Well, Oblivion is widely reported as being heavily bottlenecked by the cpu, so it's not really suprising. You can see this from the cpu speed graph, it's basically linear.

For this reason it's probably worth most people cranking their resolution up fairly high, because you won't lose much performance since the game isn't gpu limited. Some of the other settings might be more related to cpu speed though, so it doesn't mean that you can stick everything on high (in many games I find shadows to be somewhat cpu dependent).

I think to get what I would call good performance in Oblivion (without turning stuff down), you need a 3ghz Opteron at the very least. I don't think I'll be getting this game until I upgrade next year some time.
Its strange that people say its cpu limited - but when you go the SLI or Xfire route the framerate almost doubles.

I say its just the way the engine works. Getting a better or two powerful cards will gain you lots of FPS as will getting a better cpu.
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