oblivion help pls

16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
I initially started the game last week. The problem is I had been wandering around pilfering thinking this was the thing 2 do 2 gain resources and complete my quests. The thing is every time I bump in to a city guard etc, he will try 2 arrest me for theft. Is there anyway to avoid this without paying the fine and going 2 prison etc. I am aslo not sure if all my goods will be confiscated too :eek: in other words is it easier to continue as is?

oops! just noticed the other thread below. (Mods move this if you see fit)
For a start; don't go around nicking stuff left right and centre, esp in front of guards.

Firstly start talking to people - get quests, explore, eaves drop, read books and you will get loads of stuff to do. Don't know about nicking stuff to complete quests, I know I haven't had any of those yet. I haven't joined the thiefs guild yet though as I have not created that sort of character.

If you keep getting caught for nicking stuff then you probably do not have a high enough skill level in the right skills. Either work at getting those up, change your play style, or start a character with the skills that match how you wanna play.
heHe! I only did it by mistake. Anyhow I decided to pay the fine and "turn over a new leaf" ;)
If you buy a house you can stash your stolen loot in there and you wont loose it if you go to jail. You can also break out of jail and steal your stuff back. Still can't talk to guards tho. My bount is about 20k atm.

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