Oblivion Help

30 Mar 2006
When i play Oblivion on my PC it is jerky now and then! I have tried messing with the settings but it still is the same. Is this common with this game? My spec:

3500 CPU AMD, 2gig ram, 7800 GT, Viewsonic 17'' TFT.
not sure if it will help, but i noticed when i had water set to high detail, it would be fine for a while, but after travelling a while, my fps would drop to single digits.
The game loads new areas while you are moving. Its normally every 15 seconds while on a horse or something similar.

If you are running oblivion "out of the tin" so to speak then it will run pretty badly even on high end rigs at times. I used to get below 10fps in some parts of the game - now with it tweaked its mostly 25-35 outside.
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