oblivion on a lappy!

6 Mar 2004
my brother is shortly getting a new laptop to go to uni with, the one he's looking at has specs:
Intel® Core™ Duo processor T2400 (1.83GHz, 2MB L2 cache, 667MHz)
1Gb DDR2
ati mobility x1600

would oblivion run on this system? the game specs a 2 gig cpu but surely a dual core would suffice?

the other option that he does have is almost the same specs but with an AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology MT-37 and 1Gb DDR ram at 333MHz

apparently either system would suffice for his uni work... but he is also looking at running BF2, any suggestions/recomendations?
My guess is that if it does run on the lappy, it would be very sluggish, even with the graphical options set low. While I'm not fully up to speed on laptop graphics cards, they're generally not designed for the latest and greatest games, so I suspect it would struggle hugely with Oblivion.
The X1600 is a current gen, about on par with the 6600 so you'll be able to play Oblivion

The 2GHz speed refers to a Pentium 4. The new Core Duo chip is like the AMD chips - it does far more per clock so it'll be faster than a 2GHz P4 by some margin

I'd go for the Core Duo over the Turion personally
Davey_Pitch said:
My guess is that if it does run on the lappy, it would be very sluggish, even with the graphical options set low. While I'm not fully up to speed on laptop graphics cards, they're generally not designed for the latest and greatest games, so I suspect it would struggle hugely with Oblivion.

runs great on my alienware lappy
A friend of mine is running it on a laptop with a mobile 9700Pro. No complaints from him yet, other than having it crash out a couple of times as the fans were a bit clogged up and the game is very demanding.
I must admit I'm surprised, and impressed to see people running it well on lappy's. I never realised laptop graphics cards had gotten so powerful!
Davey_Pitch said:
I must admit I'm surprised, and impressed to see people running it well on lappy's. I never realised laptop graphics cards had gotten so powerful!

I always thought that they had been quite alright. I have not had a lappy in a while, but I can remember my oldschool Toshiba Sat Pro being quite the demon at Tombraider 2&3 and Tiberian Sun. Battery life was good too, unlike the alienware dogs which chunder as soon as they boot a game.
i ahve a friend who is happily running oblivion on a laptop with a mobility x700, so the x1600 should be fine at some decent graphical settings :)

read decent as not the best
Davey_Pitch said:
I must admit I'm surprised, and impressed to see people running it well on lappy's. I never realised laptop graphics cards had gotten so powerful!

The Geforce Go 7800 GTX is virtually as powerful as its desktop varient as far as I am aware :). Only problem with having it in my lappy is it drinks power, but my laptop is more of Desktop Replacement really.

If you are at all curious have a look here :).


I think ATI have a faster "mobile" card now too, and nVidia are wokring on a Go 7900, if they haven't released it already.
Tis true, i have one in my Dell XPS and you can only get about 30-40 mins of gaming out of it before it dies. Then again the battery only lasts a bit over an hour just doing less taxing applications.
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