Oblivion Patch Problems

27 Jul 2005
Ive patched oblivion to v 1.1 now on my old game now is really messed up.

here are some screenies of me running it at meduim graphics settings

this is skingrad castle and just outside any1 else had this problem and know how to fix it
nope still not working but i started a new game just now and its fine maybe my old save just got weirded out when i installed the patch

starting all over again ARGH :mad:
Is this the beta patch that specifically warns you to back everything up and be wary it could cause problems (shown on theelderscrolls.com)

If so, and you didn't, then there's little sympathy for you.
Spend_day said:
ahhhhh not comapatble with direct to drive
oh well i just reinstall
There is a lesson to learn there somewhere.

Does anyone else have problems even getting to the Patch section of the website? FF seems to just get stuck in a loop for me...
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