Oblivion tree bug

25 Mar 2004
Mini land
Hi guys I have just bought oblivion and have installed it on my pc.

The game runs perfectly apart from this horrible glitch with the trees. They seem to flutter and some of the branches disappear and then re-appear.

My system is the following:

Amd 64 3200
1gb ram
6800gt (latest drivers)

Any help would be appreciated as it is getting on my nerves.
Do the things with the trees happen when you're running towards/away from the tree only, or does it also happen when you're standing still?

If it only happens when you're moving toward/away, and it doesn't happen when you're not moving, then it's not a bug, it's a feature. The trees are redrawn with higher detail when you get close, you can set a tree distance slider in the video options to make it happen further away so you don't notice it so easily.

Just an idea, might be totally wrong. :)
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