
22 Oct 2005
I'm guessing it is too early to tell for sure, but does anyone know the minimum specs for running maximum settings in Oblivion at 1280 X 1024 resolution with no slowdown?

I am willing to upgrade my PC to achieve this, as this is one of the only games I am really looking forward to. My specs are in my signature, can anybody tell me what I need to upgrade and what to?

If the information is not available, then educated guesses would be good. ;)
Thx for responses guys. Is there something wrong with my machine then? I can't even run Far Cry and Age of Empires III (the 2 graphically demanding games I have played on this machine) at max settings and 1280x1024 without slowdown. AOEIII at max setting runs at around 1 frame a second when there is a battle on my machine.

I don't have anything overclocked. I tried OCing my graphics card but it wouldn't allow it and I am too much of a noob to do my CPU, which looks tricky to OC. I have the RAM set to the timings indicated on the sticker.
Duel, sounds like your machine has issues. Give us some symptons! Long boot-up?

The only symptoms it has are that sometimes at boot-up the fan makes a sounds like something is wrong with it. Also, on the odd occasion I will need to press the reset button after powering on for it to boot up. Once in Windows there are no errors as far as I know.

I don't think my computer is erroneous though. Who has similar specs and can run these games at max.? I don't think even the 7800GTX (256MB) can handle AOEIII at max settings and 1280X1024 res.
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