Obnoxiously high SWAP usage recently - ways to reverse?

25 May 2019

I'm hoping I've got this in the right place, I'm not too good with hardware. Recently I've been having frequent blue screens on my two year old Win10 gaming rig, and all the codes (MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, CACHE_MANAGER, BAD_POOL_HEADER) seem to point to RAM issues. It's been running fine as long as I had it until about a week and a half ago, when the crashes started. I've ran a bunch of the Windows diagnostics (chkdsk, DISM/sfc, Windows Memory Diagnostic, and I also regularly defrag my drives) but those came up nothing, and I've bought new RAM sticks - these, specifically - to replace the ones I had, but it hasn't really had any effect. I've noticed Rainmeter is showing that my SWAP usage tends to creep up - despite having plenty of spare RAM to use - higher and higher until just before a crash, where it's usually in the 80% range. I never paid too much attention to it before the BSing happened but I don't remember it ever being that high, so while my word isn't exactly that of an expert, I'm assuming the crashes are because of (or at least related to) that.

Is there any way to reverse this trend? Would putting the two old sticks of RAM in alongside the new ones help alleviate it? I don't remember the exact make/model of them but I'm pretty sure they're another set of 2x8GB DDR4, the MHz doesn't immediately come to mind but I'm fairly certain it's 3000MHz as well. Speccy said 1199MHz, but Speccy's never been the most accurate in my experience, and it didn't even show the make/model there, just this.

Thanks in advance!
Last edited:
25 May 2019
I've probably missed something but this is what I could find;

Windows 10 Home
Intel Core i5-7600K
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) - still on the fence about adding in the old two for 32GB, if possible
2x 931GB Seagate ST1000DM010-2EP102

No overclocks applied. I bought this as a pre-built from OC (minus the new RAM of course) so maybe the rest of the stuff I couldn't find (PSU, fans, etc) is on the storepage listing if it's still up, but I couldn't find it when I looked, nor on my account details.
26 Aug 2013
Check in Services to see if SysMain is running and on Automatic, or is Disabled.

Can use RAMMap (free download) and go to Empty tab, and empty everything one by one. Maybe some app had a memory leak and this might help.

Might have to re-install Windows unless someone suggests something that works. I see you have mech drives but no SSD, would be a good opportunity to get one and speed up your system and install Windows on it. SSD prices are very good now.
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