OC i7 3770K & GA-Z77-D3H

22 Mar 2012
Hi 8pack. You helped me in an earlier thread about stuck voltages on a P35 board. Ive not had a chance to fix it just yet
because i need to get the new pc up, running and stable...

GA-Z77-D3H (rev1)
i7 3770k
Samsung green 8gb ram (Stock Volts & timings)
Gelid tranquillo cpu cooler (rev2)
Seasonic x-650 psu

BIOS Settings:

MIT/Advanced Freq
CPU/PCIE Base Clock................: AUTO (Set to 100 or leave AUTO???)
INTERNAL CPU PLL Over voltage.: AUTO (ENABLE when reducing PLL values or on regardless???)

Advanced CPU CORE Features

INTEL Turbo Booster Tech.......: DISABLED
HYPER-Threading Tech.......,....: ENABLED

Advanced Volt settings/3D Power:
PWM Phase Control................: AUTO
Vcore voltage response..........: AUTO
(v) LLC................................: HIGH
GFX....................................: AUTO
Vcore protection...................: AUTO
Vcore current protection.........: AUTO
GFX current protection...........: AUTO
Vcore Thermal protection........: AUTO

CPU Voltage Control:
CPU vCore..............: 1.105 #1.240 got me to 4.6
CPU VTT................: 1.060
CPU PLL.................: 1.800
CPU IMC.................: 0.925

Action Plan:
Objective is to increase cpu core freq and adjust vcore when needed. Not interested in voltage offsets or power saving features so i believe they are all disabled. With the info ive gathered at OCUK ive managed to get it to 4.5ghz so far. Temps are low enough that i could go further but something via mobo is still handling vcore without my control. Could the LLC be responsible? I set it to high with the idea to cover any vdroop during load. Vcore was left at stock 1.105. Up until 4.2ghz it seemed fine but i noticed the sudden jump to 1.235ish around 4.4. To reiterate, im not sure what controlling vcore because i certainly didnt set it to that value. Heres some images. ***UPDATE: FIXED***

4.3@IDLE &4.3@LOAD

4.4@IDLE & 4.4@LOAD

At the very least i know i can get 4.5ghz with vcore of 1.25ish. Still, id rather have complete control over it instead of some automated bios feature. ***UPDATE: FIXED***
Id Also love to go over reducing PLL Voltages and the appropriate amounts.

Please let me know if theres anything else i can include. TIA!
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Enable the C states and EIST. This helps with clocking.

Otherwise your on the correct lines. If you want fixed Vcore disable offset voltage and enter the value you want it to be. Remember LLC will compensate for droop under load.
to unlock dvid (cpu offset) for adjustment on gigabyte boards you have to set cpu voltage to normal

then you can use tiny amounts of dvid +0.010v for example and take it from there

the dvid amount only gets added at cpu load to your stock cpu voltage,take into account that llc adds some more cpu v aswell,this varies with each llc setting
@8pack, Im adding some images for a 4.5 OC @ 1.24v. This time i entered the vcore value as suggested. At those values i must be borderline because coretemp would disappear for a few seconds and then appear again. I repeated the stress test a second time, but enabled both CSTATES and EIST which resulted in no stutters. Found that interesting! Planning to reduce vcore again just to be sure. Regarding CPU PLL voltages. Ive seen you recommend 1.65. Mine is currently @ 1.800. What kind of increments should i use when reducing it?

@Wazza Cheers for the suggestion. I was thinking about practical uses for dvid offsets. Is it something you would use where a low vcore is set to cover a fairly high freq at idle state, but then the offsets kicks in only for Load.

4.5 [email protected] & 4.5 [email protected]
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its personal choice really,some dont like using the power saving and some do,ive always used it and use it @4.6ghz

you have to be carefull in not adding too much as you have no way of knowing what the 100% cpu load voltage will be untill you stres the cpu and look in cpu-z

id start off low and add one/two clicks at a time untill you get to 1.248v load voltage

maybe high llc and +0.015v dvid and see how much it uses

remember for it to work you first have to set the cpu v to normal,then make up the difference in dvid
PLL try reducing in 0.05 drops.

Oh hey 8pack! Didnt expect a reply so soon as im still tinkering with settings. Taking it slow lol.
In mean time would you mind going over "My SETTINGS" in the first post. I edited a few things and was hoping to get advice on my new queries (in brackets next to a setting/value)

Currently, Im at 4.7 stable OC (pictures to come) with goal to reach 4.9ish if some of the ancillary voltages/setting permit.
Oh and ive disabled all energy saving features (cstates, speedstep,etc) for the moment. Idea being that i want to know exactly what voltages work without any kind of interference or support.
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Keep Speed step on but disable Cstates!!! This is the best way.

Set IMC volts to 1.05v this will help with stability.

Otherwise you look to be on track.
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