1 Feb 2006
Rotherhan, UK
after joining these foums ive decided i want to overclock, ive been putting toghether a decent spec for a while and have come to a decision

CPU: AMD Opteron 170
GFX:Sapphire 512MB ATI Radeon 1900XT
RAM: Mushkin 2GB DDR XP4000 Extreme Performance
HDD: Western Digital Caviar SE 200GB
PSU: Hiper Type R 580W
CASE: ThermalTake Saprano Case

ok ive never overclocked in my life. are there any guides specific to my hardware which i can follow

from what ive read im hoping to get arount 2.6 out of the 170 and clock the XT to XTX... and also clock the RAM.... im a gamer so i only want 24/7 stable clocks... will i get these on stock cooling (or at all), if not what air cooling do you recomend

Im a fan of the Zalman coolers for graphics cards, had a few Arctic ones go belly up on me in the past, plus the build quality seems a lot better on the Zalmans.
The artic freezer is a decent enough cooler - however the Gigabyter G Power pro is a better cooler.

I have both and have tested them @Idle/load, the G Power is a better cooler in all respects, worth the extra cash, and fan speed is adjustable.

I tested it at slightly lower speed than the Freezer and it was still a better cooler, by 2 deg c at idle and 4 deg c under much heavier load.

Not tried the Scythe ninja yet - gonna hop past that and go to watercooling.

Have already clocked my opteron 146 to 2.7 (first time ever this morning :S ) and it hasn't missed a beat. Max temp on the Freezer pro (G Power is on my x2 4400) is 43 deg c, which isn't bad. With the G power I put far more load on it on the x2 4400 (running prime95/superpi/3d mark 05 all at the same time) and got max temp of 39 deg c.
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