Same. I remember every title mentioned on this thread as I grew up with the 8 and 16-bit era. I has no idea it was one man who did all that artwork. RIP.Ocean was an icon of my childhood! Loved their games, and the cover art was always fantastic.
Wasn’t the Gryzor artwork inspired from Predator? I remember seeing a partial piece of documentary of it being discussed?
Never much of a fan of videogames, Wakelin remained disarmingly down-to-earth about his contribution to the medium; in a series of recollections on the retro gaming site Exotica, for example, the artist simply said of his Gryzor/Contra cover, "A Predator/Alien rip-off is what the game appeared to be, so I supplied a Predator/Alien style pic - with ripped Arnie Predator poses."
New Zealand Story and Gryzor were played a hell of a lot when I was a kid on my Amstrad CPC464.