Ocean view.....

20 Apr 2004
Far far away....
Comments and critique please !!

Also is there any easy way to get the horizon to appear horizontal? I have tried but the image appears skewed.

Thanks !!

Scam said:

In PS CS2; Use the measure tool to drag across the line you want to be straight, then do Image > Rotate Convas > Arbitary. Easy :)

Thanks for that, i only have PS Elements 4, I will check it out......
Yeah feel free to post. To be honest I was a couple of minutes late in taking the snap, my camera was back in the cabin and by the time I got back to the deck the sunlight breaking through the clouds was softer, 2 minutes before there were 4 or 5 very strong beams of light, one of them hitting a ship.
It was actaully quite hard, some of the shots are very slanted.

We went whale and dolphon watching on a catarmaran, and taking pictures on that and trying to keep the horizon level was horrendus! The pictures of the whales and dolphins are not very good, they were close but hardly came out of the water, just about got some fins !!
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