Ocean's 13?

26 Jan 2007
Leicester/The Toon
Hey Guys,

Just wondering if anyone is buzzing for the upcoming launch of Ocean's 13?

I cannot wait, I have loved the others and am bound to love this one!!

Are you busting with excitement or just happy to see that another is coming out?

I'm looking forward to it, yes. The first remake was pretty good but I feel Ocean's 12 was a bit meh. Hopefully this one should be a lot better than its predecessor. Haven't they got a scriptwriter from the first film back or something?

I think the films benefit from the cast, Clooney/Pitt/Damon/Cheadle and all the others I don't know. Garcia AND Pacino this time round.:D
Looks RUBBISH. I don't know how they even managed to make it so generic and dull just from the trailer.

Smokin' Aces is the new Ocean's.

What a film that is! :cool:
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