OCing an Athlon XP...

6 Nov 2005
So, I have an old XP 2200+, which is in need of some attention!

I have never attempted to overclock one of these before, so is there anything to look out for? What Vcore can I take this up to (it defaults to 1.6V)? Realistically, I don't expect to be able to do anything drastic, as the mobo is probably the worst I've ever seen :(! Might get 'new' CPU for it for £30 not sure.

Any ideas appreciated.
aquired a barton xp2500 recently. just increased its fsb till i got errors. funny thing is i managed to take it to 191mhz fsb on stock voltage so the cpu is at 2.1ghz but if i try and set fsb to 195mhz i get errors in memtest. not sure why because i tried the ram in another board and it works fine, its corsair xms 3200LL 1gig kit. tried using just one stick and still same problem. i think the board the nf7-s v2 is being funny, then again its not an unlocked barton so i may need to do the pin mod i think but since its a barton 2500 itshould be defaulting to 166fsb at stock so not sure what to do.

tried all the usuall stuff like lower timings playing with voltages etc but no luck. oh well, 2.1ghz with 2 sticks of ram to give 1.5gb is good enough for me i guess.
Thanks for the quick replies!

So from 1.6V to 1.8Vish. Cyber-mav, is that on air - what temps you getting?

I'm preferably looking for an XP 2500+ or 2600+ Barton - will see if one comes up on the MM (but I might go to an auction site as well :)).
i picked up an xp-m barton 2600 from mm thats a mad clocker, all tbh i may sell it soon due to lack of board and want of dothan :D - they fetch great prices at auction

moral of the story is tho the higher fsb you can get the better, theres very significant performance gains from running high fsb's 1:1 with your memory on athlon xp's :)
my 2500+ xp-m barton will do 2.58GHz on air on an nf7-s v2.

i also had memtest issues until i whacked 1.7v ( i think- max setting anyway) through the chipset, and then everything was fine...still is fine in fact...

the mobile chips were by far and away the best clockers of their era imo- they needed less voltage than the non mobile chips, and wew also totally unlocked.

just make sure you get a decent heatsink/fan

Pretty much as Tialgunner said - what mobo are you going to use for this? A lot of the problems stemmed from the fact that most of the original Socket A mobo's were designed to run at 166FSB, so trying to go beyond 200 was a real problem - the NF7-s ver 2 and the DFI's were very good at it as you could increase the VDD (chipset voltage) - which helped a lot - with the other you had to get the old soldering iron out and do it manually :rolleyes:

If you've got a decent mobo then it would be worth picking up an XP-M (about £45 these days) - if not then barely woth it - though I've seen NF7's going for under £30 recently!
Thanks for the replies guys!

When I said it is an awful mobo, I really did mean it. It's a Soltek 75VRF (using VIA KT400 chipset). The confusing thing is that the mobo says it supports DDR400 RAM but the FSB only goes to 333MHz - go figure :confused:!

Might have a look at looking for a mobile chip then if you guys reckon they're decent - although I don't want to be spending more than £35-40 max tbh. Heat isn't a problem - just bought an Akasa AK-827BL - not the best but quite adequate.
A.N.Other said:
Thanks for the replies guys!

When I said it is an awful mobo, I really did mean it. It's a Soltek 75VRF (using VIA KT400 chipset). The confusing thing is that the mobo says it supports DDR400 RAM but the FSB only goes to 333MHz - go figure :confused:!

My a7v8x-x says the same, yet you can upgrade the bios for the 400fsb's...
this probaly isnt relervant cause i just got buzzing and thought id post saying i had a 2800+ running at 2.4ghz 12x200 on AIR back in the day :D it was a badass machine anyway soz for going off subject lol :)
remember the xp cpus are limited in their performance by the bus speed. if you can maintain a 1:1 ratio on the fsb and ram and clock it high the gains will be incredible. some guys have managed 250+fsb and those machines are hot on the heels of A64 cpus.
As the board supposedly supports DDR400 RAM and the FSB only goes to 333, I should be able to maintain the 1:1 ratio :p. Looks like this board wasn't quite as bad as I thought :o!

To Foxor' - not off topic at all. I'm interested to see what other people can get - helps me to see what I can do with mine.
i used to have a asrock k7s8x.

the chipset was only rated to 166fsb, i managed to clock a thorobred to 11*200. that thing was awesome.
i used the soltek golden flame (NF2 ultra400) (i think thats what it was called) i had troubles raising the FSB even at high voltages i just left it at 200fsb - i cant remeber weather it came unlocked or the pencil trick worked on those chips it wasnt evern a barton core but it ran 200fsb fine.
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