OCing xp4000+

2 Oct 2006
just noticed this forum has a shuttle dedicated bit :]
not sure whether this is that good or not, but i have my xp4000+ currently OC to 2.85ghz in my shuttle, on the stock ice 2 cooler, id add a pic but it says attachments disabled
is this good or am i showing off only to get shot down??
a pic...

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its an older shuttle SN95
it has 1gig of PQI turbo memory in it (ch-5 or bh-6, never had the balls to try to prize the covers off the memory) running at 2-3-2-6
all the rest is normal, 6800GT OC'd to an ultra, and a couple of sata drivers

regarding the 4000+, i did the removal of the IHS trick to try to lower temps, and it has some uber shin etsu thermal paste on it that cost me an arm and a leg
well i ran prime 95 for 5mins then i thought i might aswell run snm, ran it till it wasnt heating up the core anymore and stopped it for a screen shot
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