Octoprint on a mini PC (Wyse 5010 - AMD G-T48E)?

6 Oct 2004
Has anyone successfully done this? There's one of these mini PCs going on the MM not far from me, might be a better/cheaper option than a PI, or is it better just to stick with the tried & tested? (Was also tempted to see if I could get Octo4A running on an old Nvidia Shield!
tbh I'd suggest that a pi zero 2 is a better option in the mid term as it'll run on basically no power and has much better support.
Update, I got Octo4A installed on the Shield Pro... Then hit the snag that you need root access to allow access to the USB port, so no luck with that :(

I then realised that the ideal location for the printer was right next to my Proxmox server I use for Frigate and Home Assistant, so I created a new VM & followed a guide on installing Octoprint on an Ubuntu server, and it seems to be working perfectly :)
Update, I got Octo4A installed on the Shield Pro... Then hit the snag that you need root access to allow access to the USB port, so no luck with that :(

I then realised that the ideal location for the printer was right next to my Proxmox server I use for Frigate and Home Assistant, so I created a new VM & followed a guide on installing Octoprint on an Ubuntu server, and it seems to be working perfectly :)
tbh at that point I'd be looking into moonraker really.
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