OcUK Battle.net Bro List

6 Dec 2007
Play a Blizzard game? Looking for OcUK players to play with, or curious to see if any are on the server that you play on? Then look at the list below!

This will be a list compiling OcUK usernames and their respective Battle.net details. Posting Battle.net RealIDs probably wouldn't be a good idea due to spam/security concerns, so if you want to add someone, then trust them for their RealID or add their BattleTag if provided.

Make a post in this thread stating what Battle.net games you play, and what servers you play on if applicable, and I'll add you to the main list. If you have a BattleTag, post that as well as it makes things an awful lot more easier.

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Huh, what security concerns are there about posting battletags? Pretty much everyone that posts in the D3 thread has posted theirs atleast once, and linking to D3 characters shows battletags :).
Huh, what security concerns are there about posting battletags? Pretty much everyone that posts in the D3 thread has posted theirs atleast once, and linking to D3 characters shows battletags :).

Is the RealID generally not an email address?

Edit: Just found put about BattleTags, neat. Do these work in-game then?
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Yeah, battletags are how you add random people without having to reveal your real name/email :).

Works exactly the same as adding someone via their email only your name appears as the battletag rather than real name and no need to give out your email address.
Happy to have more folks on my friends list



- Diablo 3 in the OcUK clan (have invite privileges)
- WOW currenly playin the beta but have toons on Moonglade, Chamber of Aspects, Draenor. Will be looking for a new realm and guild for Warlords :)
- Hearthstone
OcUK username: CasKirensys
Games played:
- World of Warcraft [Servers: Frostmane]
- Hearthstone
BattleTag: CasKirensys#2889
Did we not have something like this before?

OcUK username: Woogie
Games played:
- World of Warcraft [Servers: Chamber of Aspects]
- Hearthstone
- SC2 and Diablo 3 (Have but do not play anymore)
BattleTag: Woogie#2386
Why are you linking to users trust?

Is that not allowed? I'll remove it, it was so people could get in touch with them since they never provided a Battle.net Tag. It's exactly the same link as what the button on each post does so I thought it'd be ok.

Woogie; I had done a search before I made this thread but I couldn't find anything other than what was already in threads for the relevant games, rather than a centralised list.
Bluebear you're welcome to pop on our teamspeak server to organise matches etc. It may work out easier than maintaining a big list, most of us are from OCUK anyway.
It was done before but only about 4 people used it. So may be worth carrying on with this.

I had mine in my Signature for a while but my sig got removed with no explanation as to why which was really helpful.

Started playing WOW recently and although im at lvl85, i'm still very much a noob. Its very different to anything ive played in the past but thoroughly enjoying it.

I'm on 'chamber of aspects'
OcUK username: Jegethy
Games played:
- World of Warcraft [Servers: Draenor Horde, Silvermoon Alliance]
- Diablo 3 (in OcUK Clan)
- Hearthstone (very occasionally)
- Starcraft 2
BattleTag: Jegethy#2382

If you add me please let me know you're from OcUK. I've added everyone on the list so far.
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