OcUK Beers of the World Weekly Results - Portugal

17 Oct 2006
Results... Remember Zero points for 3rd most popular :(

  • DirtyJester - Sagres Bohemia - Gets 1 point
  • aceface57 - Super Bock - Gets 3 points
  • PapaLazaru - Sagres Bohemia - Gets 1 point
  • Ahleckz - Sagres - Gets 2 points
  • ~Divine~Wind~ - Sagres Preta - Gets 0 points (3rd popular)
  • Belmit - Super Bock Green - Gets 3 points
  • pingwing - Sagres Bohemia - Gets 1 point
  • silent - Coral - Gets 3 points
  • Jokester - Sagres Preta - Gets 0 points (3rd popular)
  • Maccapacca - Sagres Bohemia - Gets 1 point
  • Strang3r - Sagres - Gets 2 points
  • Sonea_Fifer - Sagres - Gets 2 points

Bar Stool Fallers (Zero Points)
  • Mrs_Seabiscuit - No Entry
  • GhostlyPea - No Entry
  • seabiscuit - No Entry
  • Kanifee - No Entry
  • pieplough - No Entry
  • p1RATE - No Entry
  • Spuj1988 - No Entry
  • Kilkus - No Entry
  • Mike306 - No Entry
  • manveruppd - No Entry
  • Hank_Marvin - No Entry
  • ots3go - No Enty
  • Tican - No Entry
  • Invertigo - No Entry
  • Russinating - No Entry
  • Repta - No Entry

Taxi Home (Withdrawn)
  • Gilly
  • Judgeneo
  • Marvt74
  • satchef1
  • Jolteh
  • Clov!s
  • Going_to_Cali
  • opstrat
  • nydryl
  • DcD

Dirtyjester - Sagres Bohemia

aceface57 - Super Bock

Ahleckz - Sagres

~Divine~Wind~ - Sagres Preta

Maccapacca - Sagres Bohemia

PapaLazaru - Sagres Bohemia

pingwing - Sagres Bohemia

Belmit - Super Bock Green

Jokester - Sagres Preta

Silent - Coral

Strang3r - Sagres

Sonea_Fifer - Sagres

Next Week Q - Quote
Stewards enquiry!

Only me and and ~Divine~Wind~ had Sagres Preta - should be the 2 pointer, Sagres Bohemia is the 0 pointer (4 people), and plain Sagres is 1 pointer (3 people).
Stewards enquiry!

Only me and and ~Divine~Wind~ had Sagres Preta - should be the 2 pointer, Sagres Bohemia is the 0 pointer (4 people), and plain Sagres is 1 pointer (3 people).

Most popular beer selected = 1 point .... 4 people

2nd most popular beer = 2 points.... 3 people

3rd most popular beer = 0 points.... 2 people

EDIT: This has been the scoring from the start mate, yes it's harsh (been there myself remember) and will be looked at for NEXT potential competition. The idea behind it was
to try and get the, do I play safe and go with what I think will be most popular choice or go all out for 3 points with a single type.
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And 4th most popular beer = 3 points..... 1 people (3 unique beers)

It's all back to front your way!

:confused: This is the way the scoring has been done from first round...

9) POINTS will be awarded simply as ONE point if you select the most popular choice between everybody, TWO points if you select the second most popular choice and lastly THREE points if you pick that elusive one that nobody else has. In the event of any ties ie. two people with an elusive selection each then both shall have 3 points etc etc. (size of bottle or can will make no difference BUT say a 'Light / Lite' version will)
No it's not, 1st week:-


I got 2points for a beer that 2 people had MGD, the most popular choice got 1 point. I don't know if it changed at some point further down the line, but that's was my understanding. You got more points for picking a less popular choice.

Edit: I'm a **** :o

I feel your pain matey, like I said I've been there myself and it is harsh but sadly it has to be carried through till the end.
Awwww, a win, a victory curry and a point in beers of the world :D

Good day all round, though it does show who has used the same website as me over the last few months :p (means my Russia isn't as cool as it should be)

Also all Sagres is NASTY. Have a regular one now and regret it nearly as much as the Bohemia one.... Quote round should be a winner :)
My missus's brother lives very close to Sagres (in a truck as he is a hippy) and we go down there quite a lot. I really do like the beer but as usual, it tastes a lot better down there on the beach when you have been surfing and smoking with the hippies.
Wooohooo! I was sure my one was going to be a 1 pointer (though I still don't understand the point system).

That's me with a 2 point buffer, which is sweet. Just need to make sure Q is a 3 pointer and R is at least two and then I think I'm home and dry. :D
I actually enjoyed my beer, well from what I can remember :D

:mad: wish I was drunk when I tried it, would have helped... :p

My missus's brother lives very close to Sagres (in a truck as he is a hippy) and we go down there quite a lot. I really do like the beer but as usual, it tastes a lot better down there on the beach when you have been surfing and smoking with the hippies.

ahhhhh! That explains Sagres a bit...
Unf unf unf! <- Me doing pelvic thrusts. :D

Was worried the usual would happen and everyone would try to go for the variation on the original. Surprised there's actually only two Super Bocks entered. The Green basically tastes a bit like a generic lager top; not horrible, but not worth getting again.
Wow, I was sure I was onto a 1 pointer. Super Bock was OK, nothing amazing about it at all, I'm sure it would taste better on a hot beach.
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