-----*************OcUK Community Server Donations Thread*************-----

5 Oct 2008
Hi all,

There are quite a few community servers running for various games, branded as OcUK though these are not run by Overclockers themselves, they are run by members of the community and cost time and money to keep them running smoothly. Note that I am usually quite quick at fixing problems with the servers and that does take up quite a bit of my time.

This thread is for those server admins to be able to post links to where you can donate. Remember this is outside OcUK's control so be wary when you do this. I also would not recommend sending money to anyone with a low post count who is not usually an active contributer to the community.

I have two different places that you can donate to as I currently joint-run a dedicated server with Frenchtart and I also have a few servers that I run solo via Gameservers:

LinkTart (N/A)
Link to Insanity (Gameservers) (N/A)

I and the other server admins appreciate any donations given and most people who frequently donate will be given admin access on the servers (on the l4d servers this means they also gain kick immunity from non-admins, useful on the public servers). Of course, being an admin also means you have to be mature, any kicking due to the fact you are losing or doing anything else that ruins the game for others will result in being stripped of admin rights permanently.

Thanks again to anyone who donates. Those that don't are still free to use the servers as they have been doing so before. For a full server list please go to the Community server list sticky or view the OcUK steam group page: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OcUK

Also please note that all money donated WILL be used to run OcUK game servers, this is entirely a no-profit organisation. Thanks again and please continue to enjoy the servers. :)

UPDATE (as of 27/01/2015)

Just realised this post is still actively linked to in my signature. I have removed all links as these severs are no longer running. Thank you for any past contributions, but they are currently not required, at least until L4D3 is released. ;)
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Yeh at the moment the clanpay still has $100 odd that I paid in before I lost may job (+ the contributions). I can set it to show how much is in that account if people would like me to? With the linktart dedi I'm sure Aekeron can probably rustle something up. Will talk to him about it as you do raise a good point Antar. :)

Also, if there is a lot of cash in the gameservers account I can set up another L4D2 server with it and then maybe later a BFBC2 one if people are interested? The credit would be put to good use, don't you worry. ;)
The Left 4 Dead servers are roughly £10 a month, with the L4D2 servers being nearly double that. Obviosuly if there is enough money in the account I'll add another L4D2 server after it has been released. Also feel free to suggest game servers that you would like to see running. :)

As Aekeron says in another thread the dedis are about £50-£60 per month split between the two of us.

But I would rather know where you would like the money directed, to the clanpay system or to your paypal. As Antar says, you could get a massive interest in the clanpay server and it be paid for for months.. but the other servers not getting any help.

It would be good if you are unsure to just pm me and get my paypal account as then i can pay it into whichever server needs it when the bill comes up.

I will probably enable the option for the clanpay to tell you how much credit is in there though so you can see if the account needs it or not.
And where would that L4DAA cash go to Cat? Your alcoholic beverages? :D
Thanks to you all for your donations so far. I have preordered a second L4D2 server as I feel that the funds are now there to be able to run 2 + the l4d1 server on there. If you object of course let me know and I will cancel it. :)
I'll be donating something after payday this money (19th) although the above got my wondering. Why are the servers more expensive for L4D2 than L4D1? As its using the same engine and same player count?

Higher infected count, gibbing, more work made with some of the special infected special attacks...

Generally it puts a little more work on the servers, though I reckon after a few months the prices may drop a bit. We'll see however.
I was speaking to LinktoInsanity via email the other day and am happy to throw in a couple of quid a month.

However, I have a 100 slot Vent server that I can create some channels on for the OcUK community. See this as a donation. It's served from London and has been up for the best part of two years now.

It has been used for a myself and my old clan/friends most evenings so, if this would be of any use to the OcUK community then post in here and I will give some of the game server admins, admin rights on there as well.

It uses the latest version of vent.

Yeah I remember our discussion. As I said it would be a nice contribution, obviously it depends on what the majority feel like. I personally haven't used vent much before, but I can take a look :)
I'm sure overclockers.co.uk would be more than happy to run a few servers, it's cheap advertising and it keeps their community happy. Is it more expensive than I'm imagining? If I were you, I'd get in touch with someone in charge and see what they say.

I'm sure it does give them good free advertising, but I imagine they have to keep some sort of distance incase someone wearing a tag on there does something that may give them some bad rep.

Then again my offer is always there if they want to put in a bit of funding, we'll add the ocuk url to the motd page. I'm sure if this is the case they will get in touch with me. In the meantime I'm quite happy to run the servers as they are with voluntary donations.

Thanks again for any donations by the way, they are very generous and help by a long way to keep the servers running. :)
Get paid tomorrow, will chuck a tenner in then :)

Excellent. Can I just ask that for now, can people use the LinkTart one as Linktart funds more servers and the other account has plenty in there to fund for another payment with no trouble at least (every 3 months) and if needs be I can always transfer from the account linked to by LinkTart into the Gamservers.com one.

Obviously you don't know me personally so if you feel more comfortable using the clanpay system (Gamservers.com) I understand, just the LinkTart is better as it runs our dedi. :)
Any news on the job front Link?

+1 for the donations, get the cash in boys!

Jobs not looking good right now. I have a temp job in retail for December though, which should get some money in to run the car etc for the next few months. May get a Saturday job there if I can for after Christmas until I find a full time job.
I've had to drop one of these servers due to lack of funds. Hopefully $70 odd dollars can be raised before the next payment is due (3 months time) or I may have to cancel these aswell. We'll see how my funds are by then. :)
Just bumping the thread. In answer to the question above the Gameservers Directly funds one L4D1 and one L4D2 server at the moment. I'm cancelling my Alien Assault servers as they don't really get enough use anyway, however if there is enough interest in starting up a COD:BO server (and I decide to get the game in the end) then obviously the donations will go towards that as well.

Obviously by relieving financial strain from me on these servers it means I can run the other servers I run more easily. If you want to fund the CSS and other L4D1+2 servers directly, then let me know and I'll send you the paypal details.
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