OCuk Delivery COST :S

12 Feb 2006
dont know if this is allowed and where at all to post this so i firugred id put it here and if wrong maybe someone can move it.

Im going to be buying from OCuk in the next few days for 4/5 items, e.g. monitor, speaker, cpu and VGA coolers and blank CD's, but im really put off by the price of the shipping and cant work out why it is so much.

on there own these items have i tihnk £8.95 delivery so i figured together it would be £20 tops as its not too much harder to bring more items, yet its not and its like the full price of each item to be deliverd to me is just added together and the fact that its all coming to the same address doesn't matter.

is this liekly to be for real, or a screw up somewhere along the line?

when i bought all the parts for my computer (in sig) that was all at one go and was i think £20 so why is this which is less items so much more?
Spie said:
Shop talk IS permitted and always has been. This is what isn't, from the FAQ :

addy, list your items in this thread and I'll look into it. There may be a weight error in one of the items.

sorry for such long reply, i wrote it all out last time and then i lost my internet connection

ok i just realised what it was, it was becuase i selected a set of speakers as the speakers i wanted to add to shopping cart was like half way in and out of a this week only so icouldnt select it, so i sleected one that was exact same price, that was yesterday. Then today i selected the right ones and got rid of the old ones, but some reason it never actually got rid of the shipping fees for the old ones so i had 2 prices for the delivery or 1 item, if that makes sense.

Its now gone down to £24.95 which is perfectly fine. thanks for reopening the thread and all the help everyone.
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