22 Oct 2004
I think this would be a good idea to have a ocuk clan it will be nothing serious and will just be for fun but we should stick to 1-2 servers so we can play with each other more.
If your interested just post your name and what sort of clan member you want to be for example team leader or grunt. Its just to let us know if you like leading a team or following orders but this is some simple basic stuff what these roles entail for us to be successful:

Team leader:
you will be of course giving the orders and will be mostly be looking at your map most of the time to give out tactical orders.
you will be expected to rack up the most kills and have the most zone points as the grunts will look up to you.

You got it easy just follow orders and keep your leader alive. :)

Anyway like i said its just for a bit of fun if interested just post and when you get the game put [OCUK] infront your name.
Also we will need help deciding what the best server is so when the the game is released after 3-4 days post some server ips so we can decide which is the best :)
Ill update this thread regulary with the whole team in a list. I have no interest in being a teamleader but cause its my idea im gonna have a different [OCUK] tag mine will be .:OCUK:. cause im special ;)


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