OcUK iPhone app?

12 Aug 2004
Was having a play around with my phone earlier and the idea popped into my head, how hard would it be to create an app for the forums?

I use my phone to surf the forums quite a bit, could be a bit handier to have an app?
I'm a relative noob when it comes to programming, will require Overclocker's permission too I would guess.
There's a vBulletin mod available to optimise the CSS and layouts for the mobile web, and the iPhone specifically. I've been pondering installing it on the vBulletin forum I run at work.
I'm a relative noob when it comes to programming, will require Overclocker's permission too I would guess.

Presumably only if you charged for it... Other than that, I don't see why it's not as it's good publicity for them.
Right I'm downloading the iPhone developer software now. I'm always up for a challenge!

I downloaded it a while ago, but got rid of it 'cos I wasn't using it.

The iPhone simulator was a good idea, so you could run the app as it would appear on the phone.
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