OcUK Motors - Helper Required

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
The OcUK motors gallery has grown relatively large and I am not sure that the Gallery2 software is the best to use for it.

It has been problematic since day 1 and I now believe that it has corrupted user accounts (permissions).

As I am quite busy with my business at the moment I was hoping a friendly Ocuk'er would be able to lend a hand with the gallery and perhaps there is the possibility of moving it over to a more approrpiate program.

I cannot pay you since the gallery is non-profit and generates no revenue. It's purely used by the motors lot.

So if you can help please post below. Or if you can recommend anything more ideal than gallery 2 please do so.

To sum up each user has their own folder which they can create subfolders in and/or upload pics to. But everyone can view everyone elses folders and pics, only alter their own.
If you make do with G2 for a couple more weeks, I'm part-way through coding something bespoke for filevend which should be perfect for ocuk-motors and not nearly as heavyweight :).
Adz said:
If you make do with G2 for a couple more weeks, I'm part-way through coding something bespoke for filevend which should be perfect for ocuk-motors and not nearly as heavyweight :).
Sounds interesting...

Well the gallery is kind of broken as you know, I may have a fiddle tonight to see if I get bump start it.
Is it still that bug whereby it's recreating galleries every time they log in when the user has a capital in their username? Unfortunately that's the problem with 3rd party mods - sometimes they're a little buggy!
Sort of, there is an option to create a new album for a new user, either upon registration or login.

It has always been set to upon login.

Now for some reason when an old user logs in it's creating a new album for them, so for example there would be two "tesla" albums if I login now.

I have worked around this by changing the setting to create a new album upon registration.

Is there any way to manually edit the database? I can't even seem to find it.
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