

8 Aug 2007
Hi Guys

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of our new energy drink!

providing sensational taste alongside the ability to game longer, OC Fuel is a perfect addition to any order at Overclockers UK.

Official Overclockers UK 'OC Fuel' Energy Drink (250ml) @ £0.98 inc VAT


Overclockers UK has finally done it.

At last, an energy drink that provides astounding taste coupled with the capability to keep you at the next level.

Stay alert, Stay alive
The Overclockers UK 'OC Fuel' Energy Drink provides you with the tools you need to game harder, for longer. Enhance your reflexes when tired and dominate the opposition.

A unique energy drinking experience
Our 'OC Fuel' Energy Drink comes packaged in an attractive aluminium container that will not only hold the drink without risk of spillage but it is light weight and portable. Perfect for LAN parties and long gaming sessions. You will look incredible holding this in public too!

• Fully Compatible with the Overclockers UK Elite Gaming Mug
• Attractive aluminium can featuring exciting and stimulating graphical design
• Ring pull design for one handed access whilst gaming
• 200KJ Energy per 100ml

Not Suitable for children, diabetics, pregnant women and people sensitive to caffeine

Only £0.98 inc VAT.

Is there a discount for buying these in bulk? If so, what's the max per customer? I normally rinse a big name supermarket for about £25 quids worth of Relentless and Rockstar put together. Which is roughly £1 a can. A month.

I'm expecting high energy bars next :D

I am actually looking at doing a bulk deal on them too :)
would there be any side effects from using this stuff with Pro-plus?

it says on the can not to mix with alcohol...

doesnt say anything about pro plus

doesnt say anything about mixing with crystal meth either but we don't suggest doing that either.

right, its probably closest to red bull in my opinion [out of all the popular energy drinks]
has a sweet tang but its not as sweet/sickly as red bull

Official Overclockers UK 'OC Fuel' Energy Drink (250ml) *Value 24 Pack* @ £19.99 inc VAT


You asked, We Listened!
This 24 Can Value Pack is a great way to save money!

Overclockers UK has finally done it.

At last, an energy drink that provides astounding taste coupled with the capability to keep you at the next level.

Stay alert, Stay alive
The Overclockers UK 'OC Fuel' Energy Drink provides you with the tools you need to game harder, for longer. Enhance your reflexes when tired and dominate the opposition.

A unique energy drinking experience
Our 'OC Fuel' Energy Drink comes packaged in an attractive aluminium drinking capsule that will not only hold the drink without risk of spillage but it is light weight and portable. Perfect for LAN parties and long gaming sessions. You will look incredible holding this in public too!

• Fully Compatible with the Overclockers UK Elite Gaming Mug
• Attractive aluminium can featuring exciting and stimulating graphical design
• Ring pull design for one handed access whilst gaming
• 200KJ Energy per 100ml

Not Suitable for children, diabetics, pregnant women and people sensitive to caffeine
(These people shouldn't be gaming anyway!)


Only £19.99 inc VAT.

check the listing again, it has been removed...

it was tongue in cheek. apologies for any offence caused.
where do you draw the line though? It's not ok to say diabetics can't be gamers, but ok to say "these prices are mental". I guess if you said "you'd have to be mental not to buy this" you'd be out of order.

Also, Gibbo saying he raped his Corsair rep is possibly borderline offensive (even if the rep is 20 stone and called Dave)

well, its been changed and we have apologised.

it was meant to be tongue in cheek. my grandfather was a long term sufferer of diabetes and understand that it is not the most pleasant thing in the world.

no offence was implied even if it was taken that way.

it was Ace Modder who was talking about raping the Corsair Rep.
i find that with online gaming, this word gets flung around left right and center.
a bit similar to saying 'thats gay' about something you believe to be silly/preposterous.

and FYI, our Corsair Rep is called Mike and can bench press 200KG without even breaking a sweat.

Surely it would be best to make use of the number at the beginning and write "24 x" instead of "1 x" 24 times :P

thats just the way it gets shown on the website when it is under a bundle code.

i thought it was quite funny :p
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