OcUk official weight lifting challenges

29 Aug 2005
This was Freefaller's idea taken from http://www.jonharris.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=b5053d31d0d67f91f97e842f5343ecc2&board=7.0. Basically pick an exercise you favour/best at and challenge a fellow member to a 1 rep max or multiple repetitions. Pictures or video clips would be a plus but not really necessary, just be warned you may need to back up your lifts some how if they're unusually heavy;)! Both myself "god help us" and Freefaller will edit the scores. Also if you have any good ideas please post them in here http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17956020 .

1) Deadlifts
2) Power cleans
3) Squats
4) Bench press
5) Partial Deadlifts
6) Sumo Deadlifts
7) Clean and jerk
8) Chin ups
9) Wide grip pull ups
10) Seated military press
11) Shrugs
12) Incline bench press
13) Decline bench
14) Upright row
15) Reverse Barbell Curl
16) weighted dips
17) Dips
18) Weighted chin ups
19) Weighted wide grip pull ups
20) Dumbbell flys
21) Cable flys
22) Leg extensions
23) Decline dumbbell bench press
24) Incline dumbbell bench press
25) Flat dumbbell bench press
26) Dumbbell shoulder press
27) Close grip pull downs
28) Hammer curls
29) Leg press
30) Leg curls
31) Cable push downs
32) Cable Crossover
33) Seated head harness neck resistance
34) Seated row
35) Lat pull downs
36) Diamond Press ups
37) Skull crushers
38) Ez curl bar
39) Dumbbell curls
40) Standing Military Press
41) Stiff Leg Good Mornings

Post the challenge and video first.
Any challenges that are unfilmed will be noted as unverfied.
OcUK members who can witness the challenge will be acceptable.
Do not post in this thread unless you are offering a challenge
A league table will be setup accordingly once we have enough results

Good luck and remember, safety comes before ego. :)
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