OCUK policy on memory

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27 Oct 2004
Could anyone tell me the return policy on memory from OCUK, say you bought some and tried it in a PC, would this cancel out your right to return the goods?

wichall said:
Could anyone tell me the return policy on memory from OCUK, say you bought some and tried it in a PC, would this cancel out your right to return the goods?


I don't think shop matters are allowed on the forums. In general opening the memory and using it would mean you lose the right to return via the distance selling act iirc.
ah i just couldnt find anything on the site saying about the policy, might have missed it so thought i would try here. It would make sense that you cant return it after its opened, just means £170 down the drain :X
OcUK are pretty good when it comes to returns so best bet is to phone up on Monday and explain the problem you have with it and hopefully they'll let you exchange it for something else or possibly even give you a refund regardless that you've opened the packaging.
well theres no problem with it, it works perfectly... just it doesnt fix the fact that I thought the RAM was causing in the first place. But hey thats computers for you huh
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It's highly likely they will still allow you to return the memory even though there's nothing wrong with it although maybe a restocking fee of 10% or something like that will be charged but that's still better than having memory you don't need. :)
that would be extremely good, the thing is i cant find that damn piece of paper that came with it in the post... thanks for your help anyway :)
Did you delete the order confirmation email OcUK sent you as that should have enough information for them to proceed with a return? :)
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