***OcUK Radical - Wed 13th Aug 2003 - Oulton Park***

17 Oct 2002
The OcUK Radical will be blasting round Oulton Park this Wednesday and all OcUK customers are invited to come along. The weather is forecast to be fine, and you'll enjoy a great day out at what must be one of the most beautiful circuits in the UK.


Bring a helmet with you and you could be one of the lucky 2 people to have the ride of your life as a passenger in the OcUK Radical, completely free of charge, driven by myself :cool:

You need to be 16+ to attend Oulton Tackdays.

Oh, I've had the car setup up by a professional race mechanic and the suspension geometry is now bang on. More importantly I have been informed that the throttle will now open fully, something that wasn't possible before due to poor adjustment :eek:

Here are some directions and I hope to see you there :)
Sadly i shant be there - its too far for a afternoon jaunt and i have to work!!

Out of interest tho how much does the track time cost??

Enjoy :)
Originally posted by adwhitworth
Hey m8y, are all fixtures going to be at Oulton now or will you return to Donington some time:)
Next one should be Donington, but not arranged yet.
OK Ad, Donington is booked for Wednesday 24th Sept - Full GP Circuit with no noise restrictions :cool:
Oulton is a great circuit - I had the pleasure of watching the BSB there this weekend.

We must have some photographs of the Radical negotiating the uphill section just after the final corner, prior to the Start/Finish straight - looked amazing with the bikes :cool:
hmmm, september.... Enough time to arrange time off work....

Place to stay on the cheap and it might actually be a trackday I could attend :)

24th September... About the time I plan to head back to loughborough... If I've got my car by then I hope to be able to get there. Won't be able to make Oulton Park though :(
Will these be happening often? I can't get time off work for another 10 weeks or so :(
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