OcUK recommends XFX Power Supplies for Haswell

8 Sep 2003
Was 150 yds from OCUK - now 0.5 mile; they moved

Hi guys.

We are heartily recommending XFX as the PSU brand of choice for your Haswell needs. All of the XFX 650 watt and above PSU's are 100% Haswell ready.

I have created a Haswell ready section on our website so you can easily browse all our Haswell compatible PSU's.

Click me for full listing
What PSU's aren't recommended then? I see a few people getting messed about if they are planning on upgrading?

I have a Corsair 860w Platnium, I'm guessing i'm in Haswell's good books?

EDIT: Table below says I'm all good! :D
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Basically some manufacturers are claiming there could be issues when the load on the 12v power rail drops due to the new C6/C7 sleep states, especially if there is a significant load on the 3.3v and 5v rails... (sounds to me like an excuse for manufacturers to sell more PSUs though) - cynical I know. Some like Corsair have begun producing a compatability table to indicate which PSUs are not affected by low load on the 12v rail.


Corsair Blog - http://www.corsair.com/us/blog/haswell-compatibility-with-corsair-power-supplies/
I'd hazard a guess that any decent PSU from a trusted and proven manufacturer is going to be fine. I'd be more worried about the cheaper no-name or generic PSUs seeing potential problems with this.

Incidentally a large number of the XFX and Corsair PSUs share the same internals as the majority are built by Seasonic as the OEM.
The sleep mode of current PCs operates on a min of 0.5Amps. The new Haswell sleep mode operates at 0.05A.

Essentially the psu needs to be able to offer that low an output stable and noise free.
Well that clears that up, any idea if these new sleep states are going to be implemented into ib-e?

I take it if you disable these new states on an unsupported psu then you can carry on as normal?

Edit: my hx1000 is supported, this thing just refuses to be beaten.
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According to corsair

"According to Intel's presentation at IDF, the new Haswell processors enter a sleep state called C7 that can drop processor power usage as low as 0.05A. Even if the sleeping CPU is the only load on the +12V rail, most power supplies can handle a load this low. The potential problem comes up when there is still a substantial load on the power supply's non-primary rails (the +3.3V and +5V)."

I don't know of many modern computers that put high load on the 3.3v or 5v. Just looks like scare tactics. Whatever, its just another reason not to bother upgrading to haswell :)
Is there anyway of doing a more granular search on products on the store site?
ie, filtering between, full and semi modular power supplies, or monitors based on the io connectors?
Would really help when writing up a spec.
Currently we cannot do this, maybe in the future though. We are always looking to strive to improve our website.
If I took the GPU out of my PC, I have a 10 year old PSU which I could use to power my Sandybridge PC... I wouldn't want to, but I could.

I dont see the point of certifying a PSU to be compatible with Haswell...

Were PSU's ever 'officially certified' for Sandy/Ivy?
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