OCUk Ultima Mobile

4 Oct 2008
Hey all I'm considering this laptop and I have 2 questions.

1. I heard the 9800M GT is being discontinued. But will OcUK offer the 9800M GT as an upgrade option anytime soon? As many other Clevo M860TU/Sager NP8660 resellers are still offering the 9800M GT. If not, do you know if there will be a card thats taking the 9800M GT's place in the near future?

2. Do OcUK offer a Zero-Dead Pixel Guarentee at all?

I've already sent a web-note message. But have go no reply.

Thanks in advance.
I sent the webnote thing 2 days ago, i have a reply now though. Confirmed they dont do a zero dead pixel guarentee. I'll be buying from elsewhere.
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