OcUK Xmas Programming Challenge

18 Oct 2002
SW London
So, we had one of these a couple of years back that seemed to go down pretty well (see here) and I was wondering if there was any interest in another one?

I've got a couple of ideas for things that should be reasonably challenging, but still doable for beginners.
I'd even be willing to stump up a bit of my own cash as a prize :)

The timing should be good for students who might want to do it over the Christmas holidays as well.
Post in here if you'd in interested in taking part and if we get a decent amount of people I'll put up the challenge and some rules.
Cool, sounds like there are a few takers at least then.
I'll put together something and update the first post with all the details in the next few days.

In terms of languages, as long as I have a reasonable way to compile/run it then I'm happy.

I'll contribute a £20 OcUK gift voucher for the winner as well, hopefully that will be reasonable motivation to get a few entries :)
I love these kind of problems, so i would be interested as long as it is within a coputer science theme and not some GUI/web/smartphone application, but an algorithmic problem solving challenge.

I have a good idea for a problem, it is the programming problem I had to solve as part of a job interview. A ce being hired I have looked at lots of people's applications and it is interesting to see the approaches they take. It invokes search, data structures, optimization, recursion, is easy tougher standout best result come from a desperate analysis and understanding of computational complexity.

It will be something in a similar vein to the previous one I linked to: provide inputs, get outputs rather than building an app or something.

The plan is to do a few different things, some easier, some harder but I don't to scare beginners off, so it's not going to massively complex.
Plus I have to get the answers right :p
For the people who were asking, I'm planning something with a few independent parts so if you can't do one then you should be able to attempt the others.

If you get all of them then there will be an extra step though.
Just need to find some time to actually put it together. I've done a couple of the steps, but hopefully should have it ready soon.

Hoping to have it done by the end of the week. It is a Christmas competition though, so there should still be plenty of time for people to get it done.
Language independent again, and I certainly won't just use execution time as the sole criterion. Have got most of it sorted out now. Will post more when I have the time
Apologies for being so slack about getting this all sorted.
As well as being busy with work I'm currently in the process of moving house, which is taking up more time than I originally planned!!

Will see if I can get it sorted soon.
It's looking less and less likely that I'll be able to do something for this before Christmas now.
Have barely had any time recently and after tomorrow won't have any internet until Dec 10th as I'm moving into a new place and internet won't be connected until then.
I'm still keen to get something out if people are interested, but will probably be a couple of weeks away now.

I've got a couple of puzzles, but it's not really what I wanted to do as a proper competition
I'm definitely still keen on doing something, so if there are takers for a New Year competition I'd be up for doing that. Right at the moment I'm still busy sorting everything out in my new house though.
Apologies to all for not being able to do it in time for Christmas
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