OcUKGraphics Comp - Season One: Round Five - "Micro/Macro" DISCUSSION

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
OcUKGraphics Comp - Season One: Round Five - "Micro/Macro" DISCUSSION

This competition is open to everyone who wishes to enter.

Theme: Micro/Macro

Chosen by: UnknownSoldier

Closing date: 8:30 PM Sunday 17th September 2006

Please post all entries for the current competition in the ENTRIES thread and keep discussions in this thread.
DO NOT post any entries in this thread!

Judges: Messiah Khan and UnknownSoldier.


Rules must be followed. Failure to follow one or more rules will result in disqualification from the current round.

1. One image per entrant (may be a montage).
2. If a montage is entered, all aspects in the image will be judged on their relevance to each other as well as the theme.
3. Images must be posted in or linked to this thread for consideration.
4. Images must be 800pixels * 600pixels.
5. Images may have an optional border.
6. Images that have been commented on previously by any of the judges will not be considered.
7. Images must be available for viewing in this thread until the competition winner has been announced.
8. Images must be your own work unless posting on behalf of someone else. If this is the case it should be stated in your post.
9. Artists retain full copyright to their entries, so you must contact them before using their entries.
10. The winner of each round will choose the theme for the next round and should participate as a judge. If the winner is not available to judge the next round he or she can nominate a judge.
11. The winner of a round can not enter the following round.
12. The theme chosen should not be one used previously in this season.
13. The theme can stipulate a stock image and/or slogan to be used, but does not have to.
14. The Judges may not discuss or submit their interpretation of the theme until the competition winner has been announced.
15. The Judges may or may not notify disqualified photoshoppers before the deadline. The Judges decisions are final.
16. The individual challenge wins are added up to create a season champion. Seasons consist of 9 weekly challenges.
17. Any season tie breaks are decided by a 1 day mini challenge.
18. The work must be of your own making. Stock photography is acceptible, as is a limited amount of 'artwork' as long as it is modified sufficiently. If in doubt about what consitutes acceptible, then ask a judge before the deadline or reference the source in the entries thread.


The following are the criteria that the judges will use to mark the entries; -

1. Technical ( 1 - 10 )
• + Multiple Photoshop techniques used in conjunction well
• + Consistant Lighting/Saturation/Contrast throughout the work.
• + Good use of own and stock artwork.
• + Appreciation for Rule of Thirds, Golden Mean and other photographic rules.
• - Overuse of stock artwork
• - Inconsistant Lighting/Saturation/Contrast.
• - Visible lack of effort.
• - Cliched techniques.

2.Theme Relevance ( 1 - 10 )
• + Good interpretation of the theme
• + Originality
• / Your image should represent the theme without further commentary.

3. Impact ( 1 - 10 )
• + WOW Factor!
• + Overall ambience of the image.
Round 5 is now underway! :) Very interesting subject chosen this time by UnknownSoldier. You may have noticed ive set the deadline for next Sunday due to the late start this week, which gives you all just under 1.5 weeks. Good luck guys, and may the competition be as close as it normally is.
I wish I knew what the frick to add to this theme, I'm thinking it might not mean macro as in the photography term of things, but meh, we'll see. :)
mac‧ro [mak-roh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, noun, plural -ros.
–adjective 1. very large in scale, scope, or capability.
2. of or pertaining to macroeconomics.

–noun 3. anything very large in scale, scope, or capability.
4. Photography. a macro lens.
5. Also called macroinstruction. Computers. an instruction that represents a sequence of instructions in abbreviated form.

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.0.1) - Cite This Source new!
mi‧cro [mahy-kroh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation adjective, noun, plural -cros.
–adjective 1. extremely small.
2. minute in scope or capability.
3. of or pertaining to microcomputers.
4. of or pertaining to microeconomics.

–noun 5. anything extremely small in scope or capability.
6. a microcomputer.
vaultingSlinky said:
Oh and any critisism/pointers are welcome on mine :) (without being too mean :p)

You stole my idea :eek:

Well i say stole , i meant thought of it first and did it a hundred times better :(

Good stuff.

I've come up with something, bit I'm not too happy with it. I've still got plenty of time to think of some other ideas though. Good theme by the way UnknownSoldier, quite difficult as well.
vaultingSlinky said:
Hehe made me laugh, I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first, definitely thinking outside the box ;) Nice entry :D

It's a serious entry that either falls flat on its face or works.

I'm about as imaginative as a photocopier , so i thought i'd go for something different this round.

Thanks for the comment and Good luck ( as you stole my original idea :p ! )


Official Statement Follows: said:
fini, of absolutely no fame, would like to formally confirm that he will be rejoining the competition in this round. Now having time on his hands, he has decided to once again throw his 'artwork' into the ring. Little is known, as of yet, of what he is proposing to enter except that it will likely win zero points for relevence to the theme. More info as we get it...

I can not categorically deny the truth of this report.

Right, I now have four different possible entries all on the same theme - sooo very indecisive - might make a 'no judges' thread if I still can't decide in a couple of days time.

fini said:
Right, I now have four different possible entries all on the same theme - sooo very indecisive - might make a 'no judges' thread if I still can't decide in a couple of days time.


You could post them in here and get people to vote which one should go in the entries thread.
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