Oculus CV1 content

6 May 2009
This is really disappointing to me :(

Just received my CV1 yesterday, and discovered that i can only run games through the Oculus Home Store (mostly payed content).

There was so many demos, games etc that i wanted to play that was available on DK2 either through OculusShare or just directly from websites. So many cool looking horror games, now though i can't test any of them out :(

Looks like we will have to wait for all the developers that released DK2 builds to recompile and re-release CV1 builds, and then hope they don't put a silly price tag on everything, especially for short demos.

This could be a deal breaker for me. I paid for about 3 or 4 games, the rest were freeware or demos or just free, some were just modded games i already have (isolation, Richard burns rally, Quake)
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